General advice
Information on this website is of a general nature only. It does not take into account any individual’s personal circumstances, nor does it seek to make a personal recommendation to any individual. In order for a personal recommendation to be made you should contact an appropriately qualified and licensed financial adviser so a full needs analysis can be undertaken with full access to personal information. None of Alternative Investment Management, its related bodies corporate, nor any of their employees, will provide any individual with personal financial advice.
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Whilst due care has been taken in the compilation of this website, and we believe that the information contained herein is based on reliable current relevant information, we do not guarantee the absolute accuracy or completeness of content contained on the website and accept no liability for the integrity of source material, neither do Alternative Investment Management, nor its directors and officers, accept responsibility for any errors and omissions which may subsequently be found evident in the website.
The content of this website is current only on the day it is placed on the website. Alternative Investment Management makes no assurance that the content will be updated immediately or at all. However, we intend to maintain the currency of information presented.
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